Dental Implants

Dental implants are an effective way to replace missing teeth.  Implants can be used to replace one or multiple teeth depending on the situation.  An initial CBCT scan will evaluate the bone and determine if you are a candidate for dental implants.  Careful planning is completed digitally to ensure the most adequate placement of the dental implants

Contact us today to discuss how implants can replace your missing teeth.

Dental implant process



First a CBCT scan is completed to determine the quantity and quality of bone.  If adequate digital planning is completed and a guide is fabricated to place th implant in the optimal position.

Implant Placement

During this appoinment local anesthesia is used to make the procedure pain free.  After the implant is placed small stitches are used to completely cover the implant.


A period of 4 months is needed to allow the implant to integrate into the bone.  After this time period the implant can be uncovered.


This is a quick appointment where the implant is accessed and a healing cap is placed to allow the tissue to heal.  This allows the implant crown to be fabricated to look as natural as possible.


Once the tissue has healed an impression is taken of the implant to fabricated the implant crown.

Implant Crown

The implant crown is delivered at the final visit.  The implant treatment consists of three parts.  The implant body, the abutment, and the crown.  After this appointment the implant crown can be used like any other tooth.